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Wherever the Stars Call

Living within the federation isn't all it's cracked up to be, so Laurel and Juniper decide to run away from it. If they can get past Jupiter where the fed's hold isn't as tight, they can figure out what they want to do with their lives on their own terms. Unfortunately, along the way, they find a busted federation ship with a vampire on board who may need their help... or their blood.Content Note: violence, blood, gore, themes of abandonment


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About the Author

S. Jean (they/she) is a queer sci-fi & fantasy author writing whatever strikes their fancy at any given moment. When not writing or dreaming of what to write, they can be found dabbling in game dev and drawing!Check out their socials for regular updates!

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Icon for Wherever the Stars Call featuring the cast in a red cruiser.

Wherever the Stars Call

Space Vampires.Living within the federation isn't all it's cracked up to be, so Laurel and Juniper decide to run away from it. If they can get past Jupiter where the fed's hold isn't as tight, they can figure out what they want to do with their lives on their own terms. Unfortunately, along the way, they find a busted federation ship with a vampire on board who may need their help... or their blood.

Young Adult + Sci-Fi

Releasing October 29th, 2024

Icon for Born of Scourge with Sol from the cover in the center and the title above him.

Born of Scourge

The lies legends always tell.When scourge poisons the land, leaving humanity to slowly die, legend tells of fallen stars who sacrifice themselves to save humanity. Not Sol. When he falls, his goal is to end humanity for all the stars sacrificed before him. Unfortunately, he must act the part before he's caught and then there's the matter of his traitorous heart beginning to care for the humans he sought to eradicate.

Adult + Dark Fantasy

Released February 27th, 2024

Icon for Hymn of Memory. Morgan sits to the right side with sunflowers behind him while the title appears on the left side.

Hymn of Memory

A road trip to rediscover memories lost to the dead.When Morgan's divine duties erase his memories until he can hardly remember anything beyond his name, he dreams of one thing: escape. And he finally gets his chance when the very familiar Fin falls into his life and whisks him away from everything he knows.

Young Adult + Contemporary Fantasy

Released June 27th, 2023


Icon for Forevermore. Nezael and Yorick are embraced in the front, their eyes closed. The title is written across the top.


Up-and-coming necromancer, Nezael, has lived a quiet, solitary life with his lord, the Great Sorcerer Carrow deep in the woods of thorns and brambles to hide from those seeking to hurt them.For a time, Nezael was content, but now that he is ever closer to becoming a necromancer in his own right, he finds he wants more than this life. In that desire for more, he finds Yorick, a handsome woodsman from the nearby town…

Adult + Dark Fantasy

Released March 20th, 2023

Icon for Forevermore. Nezael and Yorick are embraced in the front, their eyes closed. The title is written across the top.

The Devil in the Woods

Fifty years ago, a girl walked into the woods and then disappeared. No one could find her despite the exhaustive search until days later when her body came out without her heart. Upon her skin was written a dare:"Come into the woods and find my still beating heart."It’s a silly urban legend, or at least, it’s supposed to be... until Felix and his friends dare to solve it and something takes him into the dark.

Young Adult + paranormal horror

Released September 1st, 2023


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For signing up, you'll get the first chapter of Hymn of Memory!

Hymn of Memory

Released June 27th, 2023

A road trip to rediscover memories lost to the dead.As the Divine of Blackburn, Morgan sends its departed souls into the afterlife. It's a sacred job spanning generations of Divines before him, but there's a problem: the process invites the dead's memories inside and those memories quickly erode and erase his own. Before long, he fears he will completely lose who he is and no one seems to care.Then Fin, a familiar face from town, sneaks into Morgan's room to beg for a resending of his grandmother and Morgan quickly agrees, knowing it means an opportunity to escape.As escape quickly turns into a road trip with Fin to replace the memories he's lost, Morgan has to confront what it means if he never returns. Without him to send souls, they die completely, leaving a void in the world where nothing will live or grow. Returning, however, means he will lose himself.And so, Morgan must decide if never returning and living his life as himself—not the Divine—is worth more than the souls he's leaving behind.

Content Note: suicide mention, suicide ideation, & themes of death and grieving, references to death of a child, fire

The Devil in the Woods

Released September 1st, 2023

Fifty years ago, a girl walked into the woods with only matches to guide her and then disappeared. No one could find her despite the exhaustive search until days later when her body came out without her heart. Upon her skin was written a dare:"Come into the woods and find my still beating heart."It’s a silly urban legend, or at least, it’s supposed to be. When highschooler Felix Graves agrees to help his classmates, Vivian and Charlie debunk the urban legend of the Devil in the Woods once and for all, he doesn’t believe there’s anything to it.Well… until something finds him in the dark.Content Note: contains blood and gore, brief mention of sexual assault, and references to alcohol and drugs.


Released March 20th, 2023

Up-and-coming necromancer, Nezael, has lived a quiet, solitary life with his lord, the Great Sorcerer Carrow deep in the woods of thorns and brambles to hide from those seeking to hurt them.For a time, Nezael was content, but now that he is ever closer to becoming a necromancer in his own right, he finds he wants more than this life. In that desire for more, he finds Yorick, a handsome woodsman from the nearby town…Content Note: contains sexually suggestive scenes, gore, cannibalism, & coercion.

Born of Scourge


The lies legends always tell.Legends say when the skies grow dark and scourge starves the land, a star will fall in order to save humanity. Only when the star is sacrificed at the end of their journey will light return. It's a cycle—one humanity refuses to break because stars are plentiful and their sacrifices easier than learning the true nature of the scourge.When Sol finally falls, it's not because of humanity. It's because he's had enough of watching his brethren be sacrificed. He has one goal: end humanity and end the cycle.Unfortunately, he has to pretend he cares before humans get wise. It doesn't matter how soft the princess who catches him is—Celena will be dead by the time his journey ends. Nor how kind his assigned companions are—the outgoing Mira with her ballads, the brave Nebora with her axe, and the hero Loren with his soft voice and friendly smile. For centuries, humanity has lied and their kindness is a ruse to bring about Sol's own destruction at the end of his tale. He will not be fooled.No one cares about the cries of the stars they've destroyed over and over again and Sol will make sure this time, humanity is the one sacrificed.At least, that's the plan until his traitorous heart begins to care for the humans he sought to eradicate.Content Note: violence, blood, gore, vomiting, attempted sexual assault, attempted strangulation, depictions of grief and loss, mentioned animal death, death of a child

Wherever the Stars Call


Living within the Galactic Federation of the Solar System isn't all it's cracked up to be.Laurel got sold into strict federation schooling where if she doesn't shape up, they'll scramble her mind until she's no longer herself so they can build the perfect citizen out of her.Juniper got fitted with invasive cybernetics to augment the human experience at the tender age of eight and if they act up, the feds can turn them off--effectively killing them.So, the pair decide to run away together. All they need is to get past Jupiter where the fed's hold isn't as tight. There, Laurel can figure out what she wants in life free from fed control and Juniper can figure out how to stop their cybernetics from ruining their life.Easy, right?Not when they find a busted federation ship on the way with a vampire on board who might need their help with a severed head the federation is after, or perhaps, he just wants their blood. One of the two.Content Note: violence, death, blood, blood drinking, gore, invasive medical procedures, themes of abandonment